Donna Brazile Makes Shocking Confession On How She Rigged The Election… But Then Blames Russia

After five months of lying and denial, Donna Brazile finally admitted that she gave Hillary Clinton debate questions before the debate. When it first came to light she denied it “as it pertains to the CNN Debates, I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did,” she said.

She even went on to invoke Christianity to prove her lies. “As a Christian woman, I understand persecution, but I will not stand here and be persecuted because you’re information is totally false,” said Brazile.

However, now, five months later, she was willing to admit what she did, however, she went on to blame the Russians for people finding out what she did. This was all in a TIME article called “Russian DNC Narrative Played Out Exactly As They Hoped”

“Then in October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign,” said Brazile.

“My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen. But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret,” she wrote. But then she went on to put the blame for her actions on Russia. “By stealing all the DNC’s emails and then selectively releasing those few, the Russians made it look like I was in the tank for Secretary Clinton,” explained Brazile.


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