10 Surprisingly Effective Moves to Tone Your Butt and Legs

Here are some of the best exercises to tighten your butt, thighs, and legs. So get off your couch and start training!

  1. Partial squat on one leg. Repeat 15 times for each leg. Over time, the number of squats can be increased, but for the first week this is enough.

  1. 15 deep squats with legs wide apart. Make sure your back is straight. Fix your feet on the ground with your toes pointed in opposite directions.

  1. Straight leg lifts, 15 reps. Rest your hands on the floor, making sure that your back is upright but not too tense. Be careful: in this position you can easily injure your back.

  1. Arm and leg lifts in a prone position. Repeat 15 times. Bear in mind that your leg muscles should do the work, so try to lift your legs as high as possible.

  1. Bent knee leg lifts. Repeat 15 times for each leg. Make sure to keep your hands pressed firmly against the floor.

  1. Partial squats with dumbbells (or heavy books), 15 reps. Perform partial squats, holding the most tense position for a few seconds.

  1. Hip stretches. Dumbbell lifts in a half-bent position, 15 reps. Push your buttocks back, and keep the muscles tense throughout the exercise.

  1. Arm side lifts in the partial squat position, 15 reps. This exercise not only strengthens your back but also helps tone the buttocks and thighs. It is important to keep your leg muscles tense while lifting your arms.

  1. Dumbbell leg lifts. Repeat 15 times for each leg, and try to maintain balance while performing the exercise.

  1. One-legged squats and leg lifts. Repeat 15 times for each leg. When you lift your leg, make sure your foot is parallel to the floor.

And remember: in order to get in shape, you should train your willpower and self-discipline as well. Make your workout your habit, not your duty. Once you notice your body changing, your motivation will increase every single day.


Source: BrightSide

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