8 Things the Love of Your Life Would Like You to Know

We would like to share eight of these wonderful things, the love of your life, would like you to know.

1. You are always in their heart

The words “I love you” cannot express their deep meaning. Though the message they send can be reassuring, the emotion, the longing, the thrill, and the passion it comes with, goes far beyond words.

Expressing one’s feelings is neither easy, nor accurate in most of the cases. Feelings can be overwhelming, indecipherable, changing and confusing.

They can be of many kinds — both positive and negative — but one is always lingering in your partner’s heart… yes, it is the overwhelming love for you — the driving force that keeps him around you when you’re happy or sad, when you’re healthy or ill, when you’re up or down…

And when the roles reverse and your partner is the one that’s sad or ill or down, you’re still there in his heart, the best place you could ever be in.

And yes, your partner wants you to know that even when you fight and are angry at each other. Arguments and fights happen only because both of you CARE. If no one cared, no one would ever fight.

2. They want to come first

Life comes with a full to-do list and many variables. You have to make time for many people: kids, mom, dad, siblings, and friends. You then have to properly manage this time, attention, care and worries between the people who matter for you, yourself, your work, everyday chores etc.

Your partner doesn’t just want to blend in your daily routine. He is your significant other and wants to see that. Although the other person completely understand and respects your choices, he/she would actually want to be the most important person in your life, even if they will never say it.

3. You are their no. 1

You are the first person the love of your life thinks about when he needs help, the one he wants to make happy, the one he first runs to, to celebrate success, the one who can always put a smile on his face, the one he chose to share his life with… his better half…

You are all of these things because your partner thinks you’re awesome. Loving you means loving the way you look and pretty much everything you do. Yeah, everyone has their own problems, but in your partner’s eyes, you are perfect with all your imperfections…and that’s why he loves you and makes you his no.1. You are the champion of his heart.

4. You make them feel complete

Your partner’s life was not as fulfilling when you were not a part of it. You brought in more joy, excitement, happiness and, above all you made him feel complete. The two of you are a team and you could never be as strong and successful independently as you are together.

5. You make them a better person

All relationships are supposed to make you grow on a personal level. Loving partner helps you become the best version of yourself. The simple fact that you believe and are supportive of your other half inspires him with incredible determination and power to do more and do better. He doesn’t want to let you down and that is why he puts in the effort.

6. They need your appreciation

You are his number 1, remember?! And that is why your opinion about your partner and your relationship matters most in this world. Appreciating a person and for every little thing they do for you will keep them motivated and striving to do better.

Critique is always demoralizing. Praise is scientifically proven to give better results.

7. They believe in you

You are the first person your partner turns to for help because the level of trust in you is complete. Trust in your judgment, trust in your support, in your loyalty, and trust in your feelings of love.

The love of your life believes you are that exceptional person who can change life for the better and that is why he loves you and stands by you.

8. You brighten their life

Sunshine and sunsets are more charming since you came into your partner’s life. Mornings are more cheerful. Evenings are warmer. Holidays are better. You filled their heart, made them feel complete and helped them become a better person. Yes, you brighten their life each and every day by your simple presence, kind words and affectionate smiles.

Although most if not all of the times the love of your life will never tell you these things, take note and remember that they actually feel this way.



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