ACLU Telethon: Tina Fey Says Trump ‘Gave Up’ Assaulting Women ‘for Lent’

Actress Tina Fey hosted the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) celebrity-studded “Stand for Rights: A Benefit for the ACLU” fundraising telethon Friday, where she ripped President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

In a searing three-minute comedy routine, Fey slammed President Trump’s proclamation Friday declaring April as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

“Earlier tonight, in what is surely an April Fools’ joke, the president proclaimed that next month will be National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, so now we know what he gave up for Lent,” the former Saturday Night Live star said.

Riffing on reports that Vice President Pence declines to dine alone with women who are not his wife, Fey said, “Luckily, Mike Pence isn’t allowed to go down and shut Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get Pap smears”:

The fundraising telethon, which streamed live on Facebook, also featured Tracy Morgan, Amy Poehler, Jon Hamm, Mahershala Ali, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Tituss Burgess.

At one point, “alternate universe current first daughter of the United States” Chelsea Clinton was introduced, and she addressed “voter suppression.”

“The right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy,” Clinton said. “It gives us, each and every citizen, a voice in how our government works. Sadly, this fundamental right is under attack all across the country. Dozens of states have passed laws in recent years making it harder to vote. These laws disproportionately affect minority groups, the poor, and the elderly. Millions have been disenfranchised by voter ID laws alone.”

Clinton also urged people to continue to resist Trump’s political agenda.

“I’m not giving up,” she said. “I hope that none of you are giving up because we know that our right to vote is fundamental, precious, and worth fighting for”

In a video promoting the ACLU telethon, celebrities insisted that the nonprofit organization has “been preparing for this fight” against the Trump administration:

The ACLU has been leading the legal fight against President Trump’s immigration executive actions.


Source: Breitbart

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