Baby Quotes Newborn Quotation

Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.
– Charles Dickens

Today I saw a baby with a bib that said “This idiot put my cape on backwards”.

A baby-sitter is a teenager acting like an adult while the adults are out acting like teenagers.

A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller and a home happier.

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.

Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.
– Maria Jose Ovalle.

A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.

A baby needs love in order to achieve what is ahead of them.
A kiss is strong love for the baby.

Taking care of a baby is the most important work anyone does in life.

 When a baby smiles at you he is thinking I’m gonna have the best life ever with my mommy/daddy.

 Every baby comes with the message that God has not yet discouraged us.

 Before I had my baby I could just get up and go whenever and where ever I wanted, sleep, eat and shower when I wanted…& now I can still do those things… Just after he eats, after he sleeps, after he gets a bath…its crazy how much your life and your priorities change when you have a baby. It’s not always easy but every moment is definitely worth it! I wouldn’t change it for the world.

 A new born baby is the dawn of a new sketch. Everyone likes to put their mark on it and guess who will have to live with it? Everything you do, make sure it does not leave a scar, but a flower to remember.

 Height of misunderstanding – A man marrying his own secretary thinking that she will still follow his orders as before.

When you smell a baby, it’s like taking a dip into Heaven itself.

 Having a baby is like having heaven in the palm of your hands.

 When you hold a newborn baby and just look at that precious smiling face it’s like all your worries just float away and 1000 pounds get lifted off your shoulders.

 The day I gave birth to (baby’s name) was the best day ever, holding her in my arms for the first time is unforgettable. I love my baby girl and her daddy.

 With every baby that is born, gives us the certainty that God hasn’t yet lost hope in men.

 Smiling baby is a permanent passport to prosperity, happiness, and tranquility.
Every adult needs to have this passport!

A baby is a new beginning of you.

 Once a baby comes in your life..everything changes..

 A baby’s smile can make biggest dream come true.

 Everytime I see my baby I can see love, happines and the whole world in his/her eyes.

A baby’s smile melts the heart and calms the soul.

A baby is everything to her mother as she is to the baby.

Having a baby changes everything.

A baby means everything in a mother’s life.

A baby is a gift unwrapped…that should only be given with LOVE.

A baby’s smile can take away all the day’s tension off a man.

A baby fills a hole in your heart that your didn’t know was there.
Having a cute baby and seeing her grow, is the best ever thing one can experience in his lifetime.I love my little princess Yashvi.

My baby is my life…

A mother needs her baby just as much as the baby needs the mother…

Chocolate, men, coffee – some things are better rich.

A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities.

A baby is an angel whose wings decrease while his legs increase.

Having a baby changes the way you view your in- laws. I love it when they come to visit. They hold the baby and I go out.

A baby is born with the need to be loved and never outgrows it.

Every new born baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

A baby is an in- estimable blessing and a bother.

Children reinvent your world for you.
– Susan Sarandon

A baby is a blank check made payable to the human race.
– Barbara Christine Seifert

Having a baby is like taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head.

A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.

– Enid Bagnold

A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.

Just one smile from her/him, makes my day complete. 🙂

The first time I held my son his smile was like heaven’s gate opened, so divine pure & innocent, when he called mama for the first time my heart melted & felt like everything is okay, tears rolled down my cheeks, it’s one of most beautiful memories I hold dearest in my life!

If only babies knew how much powerful they really are. The potential to unite strangers, the ability to replace awkwardness with comfort, the innate manipulative trait. They’d so easily rule the world and we, the adults, would follow with a blindfold on our brains. And hearts.

A new hope to this world arrived this year! I give thanks to God for both of you as parents, and I ask him to grant you wisdom to guide the child that he entrusted you. May the lord God almighty enlighten your path, and help you to be a good example for your little one.


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