Breaking: Ivanka Just Epic Revenge Against Dumb Libs, They Are Freaking Out, It’s Incredible

It is truly disgusting how much hatred is pouring out of the Democratic party and bitter liberal Americans right now toward Republican President Donald Trump. What makes it far sicker and sadder is how personal these attacks have become.

The all-time low came, of course, which liberals made sick jokes about 10 year old Barron Trump. But close after that is the way Hillary’s supporters have been running a smear campaign against First Daughter Ivanka Trump. It is clear how threatened they are by an actually strong, successful woman. Thankfully, Ivanka just got epic revenge against them.

A liberal protest group called #GrabYourWallet began a campaign to get Ivanka Trump’s products removed from store shelves, and they achieved some traction, getting major retailers such a Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and T.J. Maxx to either eliminated Ivanka’s product lines from their inventory or dramatically scale back.

However, according to the latest sales figures the #GrabYourWallet campaign completely backfired, as Ivanka’s items have since become some of the hottest selling products in the entire country. Explained her brand’s president Abigail Klem, “Since the beginning of February, they were some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand. For several different retailers Ivanka Trump was a top performer online, and in some of the categories it was the [brand’s] best performance ever.”

Noted ecommerce site Lyst, sales of Ivanka Trump products went up 346% just between January and February. Ivanka Trump was the site’s 550th most popular brand in January, and just one month later it spiked to the site’s 11th most popular brand overall. Some observers have noticed that Neiman Marcus, having learned their lesson the hard way, has begun restocking Ivanka Trump goods on their shelves. How happy are you for Ivanka for sticking it to the haters?

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