Cute quotes about love, life

Who doesn’t like cute quotes? In this page, Saying Images share with you some of the cutest quotation about life, love. Hope you like these pictures quotes and feel free to share it 🙂

cute quotes

Are you made of copper and tellurium, because you’re cute I would do everything just to see you smile

I would walk through the desert I would walk down the aisle. I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile. Whatever it takes is fine

They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life. cutest quotes and saying

My mama told me that sometimes people have to cry out their tears to make room for a heart full of smiles Quotes and saying about friends

If one day you feel like crying… call me I don’t promise that I will make you laugh But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away Don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop, But I can run with you. If one day you don’t want to listen to anyone call me i promise to be there for you but i also promise to remain quiet But… If one day you call and there is no answer… come fast to see me.. Perhaps I need you.

Cute love quotes

cute love quotes

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me, like it’s made just for me

cute quotes about love

You Are The Cutest Girl Ever, and I mean it. And trust me, since the day I met you, I will never love another girl. Sweet dreams!

cutest quotes ever

When I first saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.

cute quotes with photos

Eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough already

super cute quotes and saying

You don’t need to promise me the moon and the stars, just promise me you will stand under them with me forever.

What is love: in me, it’s you.

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