Hackers Leak Executive Orders Hillary Planned To Make As President, Even Dems Are Sickened

Regular Americans are still celebrating the fact that people-powered political outsider Donald Trump won the election. Perhaps just as significantly, however, they are still breathing a sigh of relief that career criminal and Benghazi traitor Hillary Clinton was taken down and won’t be headed to the White House.

 It’s amazing that we’ll never have to face such an incompetent, America-hating person as Hillary Clinton as President, so we’ll never know exactly what she would have done with the Presidency’s executive power. However, someone with inside access of Hillary’s campaign documents leaked out a file that shows the many terrible things she had been planning to do to America through executive orders.

Here is Hillary’s sickening, internal and confidential list of intended executive orders that she compiled. It began: “A pathway to citizenship for a minimum of 4 million illegal immigrants. Work permits to a minimum of 5 million undocumented immigrants.”

Added Hillary on her list, “Ban all guns of any kind. Begin with assault rifles and work down to a nationwide handgun ban. She wanted to mimic Australia’s plan. The ‘gun show loophole’ would also be closed. She planned to allow people to sue gun manufacturers if they were killed by any gun in the United States.”

The list concluded: “Add more penalties to those that are not covered under the Affordable Care Act that she created. She would have kept 95% of Obama’s policies. Continue to allow late-term abortions.” Can you believe that maniac Hillary Clinton could have been our President? How happy are you that she was defeated?

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