Do you enjoy looking for inspiration from people who are succesful and you admire?
-If you do, you came to the right place.
Make sure to check our list of I Love My Husband Quotes and Sayings with Pictures to make your day better.
“Nothing feels like home more than the arms of my husband.”
“The only thing that can top having you as my husband is our kids having you as a father.”
“You are not just my husband. Your love is the ray that lights up my life and the water that quenches my soul’s thirst. I miss you, my hubby.”
“My soul mate, that you are. Out from me, you are very far. I hate it when you go away. Come back soon, is my plea today. I miss you.”
“I hate it when you come back home late. Loneliness heaves down on me with all its weight. I miss you, my dear husband.”
“When we’re not together, my soul feels hollow. My heart feels numb; my emotions become shallow. Like a rainbow without colors, like poetry without rhyme… being away from you are my life’s darkest times. I miss you.”
“Missing my husband is the only thing that I like doing even though it makes me feel sad when he is not home. I miss you.”
“Watching the rain outside the window makes me feel like calling you back from work and snuggling up with you in a blanket while sipping on a hot cuppa. I miss you, baby.”
“My dear husband, do you know how much I miss you? I miss you in my sleep even though you are sleeping right beside me.”
“I searched in Google – Why do I miss my husband so much? Google replied – Because he misses you too.”
“Night is the best part of the day when I can cuddle with my hubby and afternoon is the worst when I start missing him when he is at work. It’s afternoon, I miss you, baby.”
“When I miss you, I don’t have to go far … I just have to look inside my heart because that’s where I’ll find you. Love you hubby.”
“The second you walk out from the door for work every morning, this home loses its hero and my heart loses its beat. I miss you.”
“Missing you is not my choice without you, there is nothing to rejoice because you are my world and my life. I so miss you my hubby dear, wish you were with me and near, I love you.”
“I miss you a lot; I hope you are missing me too. If not, be prepared to sleep on the couch. 🙂 ”
“Only God knows my plight when I don’t have you in my sight. Only I know how I feel depressed and blue when I start missing you.”
“The sun doesn’t need a reason to shine; the moon doesn’t need a reason to glow, the stars don’t need a reason to twinkle… and I don’t need a reason to miss my husband. xoxo”
“Your absence has gone through me like a thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color.”
“I wish you wouldn’t leave me like this all alone; it’s the most painful feeling I’ve ever known. xoxo”
“From dark purples to dull blues, my world is immersed in the saddest of hues, when I am missing you.”
“I have to admit it – I love a married man: my husband.”
“You have given love a whole new meaning. I love you more than anything, my dear husband.”
“When I describe my perfect day, it has nothing to do with what I’m doing or what the weather is like outside. My perfect day is spending every moment with you, my husband.”
“My husband has put up with my crazy family, seen me at my absolute worst, smelled my morning breath, endured my “quirky” habits and still loves me more than anyone else.”
“The most amazing and wonderful thing I decided to do was to share my heart and life with you.”
“I wouldn’t trade my life as your wife for all the jewels and gold in the world.”
“I would choose my husband in a hundred lifetimes; in any reality; in any world. I would find him no matter what, and I would choose him.”
“Behind every great man stands no one. There is no greater man than one that can acknowledge the wife standing right beside him.”
“You are my anchor, my safe harbor during a storm. I love you.”
“Hubby, you have my whole heart for the whole of my life.”
“Husband, in you, I have found my truest friend and the love of my life.”
“My husband always makes me laugh, wipes away my tears and hugs me tight. He has seen me succeed and seen me fail. Over the years, he has kept me strong. My husband is my promise that I will have a friend for life.”
“Nothing makes me love my husband more than seeing how much he loves our children.”
“I’m not sure what our souls are made of, but I know that my husband’s and mine are the same.”
“My husband is my best friend, my biggest supporter, my greatest comfort, my strongest motivator, my purest smile and my deepest love. He is my favorite person and my forever. He has all of me. Entirely. Completely.”
“Husband, I choose you every day. I’ll choose you over and over again – without hesitation and without a single doubt. In a heartbeat, I will always choose you.”
“Husband, I would rather have bad times with you than good times with another person. I would rather stand beside you in a storm than be apart in good weather. I would rather go through hard times together than have it easy by myself. I would rather have you, the one who holds my heart.”
“I am completely, utterly, passionately, seriously and deliciously in love with him, my husband.”
“I knew my husband was the one the moment I realized I felt safe and sound in his arms.”
“Husband, we will finish this life together, and look forward to an eternity together.”
“Every married couple goes through tough times. But true soulmates come out of it holding each other’s hands and offering to buy the beers that night.”
“I want him today, tomorrow, next week, and for the rest of my days. I love my husband.”
“I know that my husband and I have a true relationship because we can tell each other everything. We have no secrets and tell no lies.”
“When I first met you, I thought you were perfect. I loved you then. Later, I saw that you were imperfect. I loved you even more.”
“Husband, you’re basically my favorite thing ever, of all time, in the history of forever.”
“My love, I still fall for you every day.”
“A happy marriage is not based on how many years you’ve been together, but how much love is in each day you spend with each other.”
“A successful marriage is the coming together of two people who forgive relentlessly.”
“Husband, when I lay my head on your chest, I listen to your heartbeat and the only thing I can hear is my life.”
“Home is wherever my husband is.”
“Any couple can be passionate. It takes real lovers just to be silly.”
“Husband, to this day, it’s still only you that can give me that feeling.”
“I’m so much more me when I’m with you, husband.”
“The greatest achievement of my life was becoming your wife. I love you!”
“You should have come with a warning label that said – Caution: Hot Husband.”
“Husband, my entire life revolves around one single thought: how can I make you happy?”
“Some of the greatest memories of my life were when I was holding his hand or cuddled in his arms.”
“The perfect husband you read about in magazines – he doesn’t exist. That’s because I already married him.”
“The rest of the men in this world could learn a thing or two about being a wonderful husband from you.”
“I not only love you because you’re my husband but because you always have my best interests at heart.”
“So many women claim that all men are the same. Clearly, they’ve never met you.”
“We’re a nice pair. Together we rock. Babe, you’re my happy thought.”
“If I could write our love story, we’d meet on the very first page. I love you!”
“Husband, I love those moments when our fingers are intertwined, and my head is on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. In these moments, I feel truly safe – as if nothing bad could ever touch me.”
“As husband and wife, we are best friends for life.”
“I love how you make me laugh and wipe away my tears. I love how you always care for me. Husband, you are a blessing from above. I love everything you do and everything you are.”
“I knew you were special the moment I met you. We’ve walked the road as husband and wife for quite some time now, but you’ve grown to be even more special to me. I’m thankful that you are my husband, and I fall in love with you more each day.”
“My husband is the closest thing to magic I’ve ever found.”
“Husband, I knew that you were the one the moment I realized I want to do all of the life’s boring things with you.”
“Every person deserves to find someone who makes them look forward to the next day. I am so lucky to have found a husband that makes me ecstatic to wake up each morning.”
“Husband, I love you to the moon and back.”
“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a daddy. My husband is one of the few special ones out there.”
“My husband and I have the kind of marriage that inspires others to get married.”
“Like snow in the winter and sunshine in the summer, I can always count on my husband to be there through every single season of my life.”
“In a sea full of people, my eyes will always search for my husband.”
“My husband is my solitude, my oasis, the place I go to when my mind is searching for peace.”
“And then my soul finally found you, and said: “Oh there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!””
“Husband, I’m so glad that every other man threw me out, so you could pick me up and show me what true love is.”
“As my husband, I want you to know: each day I love you more and more.”
“I love you because you brought me back to life. Before I met you, I was a caterpillar in a cocoon. But you drew me out and made me realize that I am a butterfly.”
“My husband still manages to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the entire world.”
“I trust you. Not just because you are my husband, but because you are the epitome of what men should be.”
“It’s true that marriage comes with responsibilities, but I never feel any of them because I’m with you.”
“Times may be hard, but sharing these struggles with you makes things easier. Even the most difficult of life’s burdens are much simpler when I’m with you, husband.”
“I used to be afraid of getting old. Now, I look forward to growing old because I get to do it with you, my husband.”
“There are times when we may take our relationship for granted. But I want to let you know, dear husband, that I care for and respect you more and more with each passing day.”
“My husband never promised me the moon or the stars. He promised to lay on the grass and watch them with me.”
“No matter what life puts us, though, my husband will always be the rock that this family leans on.”
“I am the proud wife of one amazing husband.”
“I am so proud to call you my husband. I love you more with each passing day.”
“Your love gives me wings, I’m so proud and excited to be your wife.”
“So many years have passed, but you’re still the same nondescript man with a generous soul, who won my heart. I love you, and I am proud of you!”
“Appearances are always deceiving. With your tattoos and bad boy look, at first, my family and friends were all against us, until they met you. You are an embodiment of a true gentleman. You open doors for everyone. You help people with their heavy baggage and most of all; you respect all those around you. I’m so proud that you have proven their first impressions wrong! I love you, my husband.”
“As long as you love me, my faith in you is boundless; I will always be next to you, even if all are against you, I will support you. I love you, and I am proud of you.”
“You have promised that I will have a friend forever and so I asked you to buy me a puppy. You are the most caring husband in the world, and I am proud of you.”
“My soul blooms when I remember the moment when I kissed a frog, and it turned into a handsome prince, you are the king of my heart, I am proud of you.”
“Today is our special day, and I decided to send you this text message – it is nice to know that you think I’m crazy, but who is really crazy, it’s you because you have married me. I am proud of you, my love!”
“A good wife is a reflection of a good husband. My friends envy me for being a happy and contented wife, and that won’t be possible if not for you, my dear. You give me strength and courage to pursue my dreams, and you treat me like a queen. I am proud to have you as my husband. I love you.”
“I have entrusted you my heart, soul, and body, and you lived up to my expectations. I am proud to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!”
“I am ready to argue with anyone, who says that perfection does not exist because perfection is you. Love you, and I am proud of you, hubby.”
“My hubby, we have achieved the highest level of love – friendship, I do not need anybody but you, you can replace for me the whole world, but no one will replace you; I am proud of everything you do.”
“My dear hubby, you have done something, for what I’ll always be grateful to you, you gave me a gift – a new life, which is a continuation of our love. You are the sense of my life, and I am proud of you.”
“I am a proud wife of a wonderful husband!”
“I cannot imagine life without you. I cannot remember life before you. You are the best part of me and the love of my life. I could not hope for a better husband. You have all of my love, my darling husband. I am proud of you.”
“I have long been waiting for a man, who will be my support and protection, with whom I will feel equally comfortable while listening to the music of the surf on the coast, and dancing in the rain. This man for me is you, I love you and am proud of you.”
“The half of our lives we spent apart, so we were not happy, but now we build a common future, in which there will be only happiness, love, and laughter of children. I love you, and I am proud of you, my hubby.”
“You are the reason for my happiness, for my tears of joy, you have never distressed me, and once again I’m ready to tell you how much I love you, appreciate and respect. You are the best, and I am proud of your success.”
“I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.” – Pat Nixon

“I am so blessed to have a husband that loves me without limits, trusts in me without fear, still wants me without being demanding and chooses to accept me exactly as I am.”
“Have I mentioned just how lucky I am to be in love with you, my husband?”
“Every day that I spend as your wife, I realize just how lucky I am to have an amazing life.”
“I’m amazed every time I look at my husband. Not just because he’s so good looking (and he is), but because everything that I have ever wanted in life is standing there right in front of me.”
“My husband is my greatest blessing from God. His love is a true gift that I am so lucky to open every day.”
“We’ve been through a lot already, but we have so many hurdles to cross. I’m just so thankful that we get to cross them together.”
“Throughout all of the life’s troubles, you have been there without fail. My life has truly become a beautiful fairytale.”
“The best thing about our marriage is that I can still look into your dreamy eyes and feel like the most beautiful, lucky girl alive.”
“My love and my life. I am so blessed that you are my husband. I thank you for always being by my side and staying close to my heart. My love belongs to you, my husband.”
“My husband is the man of my dreams and a wonderful father to our children. There are many moments when I still can’t believe that I am lucky enough to call you my husband.”
“I am so lucky to wake up each morning and see my husband’s smiling face. Each day, we talk and share. Every night, I have the pleasure of falling asleep in his arms. But best of all, I get to love him each minute of the day and be loved by him in return.”
“I really believe that my husband was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I’m thankful for him each and every day.”
“I am so blessed to have a husband that works hard to provide for this family. I am so thankful for him and his love.”
“My husband is the most patient, kind, forgiving, compassionate, funny, sweet, adorable, handsome, protective and hard worker I have ever met in my life. I am so grateful that I have the privilege of being called his wife.”
“I may not know where I am heading or what my grand plan in life is. People say I need to find my direction and decide where I want to be…then I found you. I found my way, I found my home, and there’s nothing that makes more sense in my life than that. Thank you for showing me the way, my husband.”
“My life started overflowing with a myriad of colors ever since you became mine and I am yours. Waking up and sleeping next to you each day is a blessing of a thousand folds. Coming home to your sweet love is more than I could ask for. My husband, you are the best thing in my life! I love you.”
“Choosing to spend the rest of my life with you is the best choice I have made in my life. You are my refuge, my comfort, and my happiness. There is nothing more I wanted in this life! I love you, hubby.”
“My husband’s biggest flaws are – 1. He works too hard, 2. He´s too nice. I´m a lucky girl.”
“When I first saw you, I have fallen in love with you. I am very lucky to be your wife. Thank you for accepting a flaw full women like me. You are the best thing that could ever happen to me.”
“I am the luckiest person in the whole world because I have a loving and caring husband like you. You are the best. Thank you so much for always supporting me.”
“Being you wife, I love even a single moment spent with you. You have filled this life with lots of love and happiness. Thank you, baby, for making my life wonderful.”
“Your love is simply everything for me; it’s all I need. Thank you so much.”
“Without you, I would have been lost somewhere in the race of life. Thank you, dear!”
“Without you, my life would have been extremely boring and nasty. Thank you for coming into my life.”
“Whenever I tell you that I love you out of the blue, I don’t do it because it’s a habit or I want to make conversation. I tell you to remind you that you are the best thing that has happened to me.”
“Yes, I’m happily married and so very much in love.”
“Husband, you have seen me at my absolute worst and have loved me all the same. For that, I thank you.”
“Nothing feels like home more than the arms of my husband.”