Keep going liberals, keep going. Look at President Trump’s approval rating now

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 37% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. (see trends).

With the president’s temporary refugee and visa ban tied up in court, the State Department has been speeding up the entry of refugees from Syria, Iraq and other Middle Eastern and African countries into the United States. We’ll tell you what voters think of that at 10:30.

Most voters support Trump’s plan to halt refugees and visas from certain countries until these newcomers can be properly vetted to screen out potential terrorists.

The president has been highly critical of the judges who stopped his temporary refugee and visa ban. While just over half of voters agree that most judges play politics, they still don’t think public criticism of judges by name is a good thing.

Can the president make Fake News stick to CNN and other media giants the way he did with Lyin’ Ted and Crooked Hillary?

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters say the country is headed in the right direction. This is a higher level of optimism than was found during any week of the Obama presidency.

Hillary Clinton recently declared that “the future is female,” and nearly half of voters – regardless of gender – agree there will be more women leaders in the near future. But younger voters are more convinced of this than their elders.

A sizable number of voters believe the Women’s March on Washington that took place in January made its point and will champion women’s rights worldwide.  Yet while many politicians and activists claim there is a political “war on women” in America today, only 25% of voters agree.

Though Americans place a lack of discipline high on the list of problems in public schools today, most don’t think teachers in the United States should follow the lead of some in the United Kingdom who are wearing body cameras to record students’ behavior.

Some readers wonder how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president since they often don’t show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask.

To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a full month-by-month basis.

Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology.

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