Man Who Ate Bacon ‘Too Closely’ to Muslim Women Faces Assault Charges

To most people, bacon is a savory delicacy and a reason to get up in the morning. But to some, being confronted by bacon is akin to assault. This week, a Swedish man learned that the hard way.

Despite it’s near-universal acclaim, bacon has been the source of several conflicts and controversies for quite some time.

Radical Muslim activists have been waging war against the food for years. Apparently, because their religion prevents them from partaking in the delicacy, they think that no one should be able to indulge. They’ve already gotten ham pulled from Subway and banned the food in parts Germany. And just a few months ago, a man who left bacon near a mosque was found dead.

Now, even western courts are giving in to the lunacy.

This week, bacon was involved in yet another alleged assault against a Muslim individual. Apparently, eating bacon “too closely” to Islamic women can be evidence in a criminal case.

A Swedish man is facing charges in court after being accused of eating bacon too closely to a group of veiled Muslim women and calling them derogatory names.

The incident occurred in the Swedish capital of Stockholm over the weekend. The Swedish man, who has not been named by media or the police, is said to have approached the Muslim women who were wearing Islamic veils on a train while he was eating bacon and dangled the bacon in front of their faces, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

According to the report, the women got up to find seating elsewhere and the man followed them with his bacon. He is alleged to have called them derogatory names and made racist comments, though neither the police nor the court has specified what was said during the incident.

The prosecutors allege he then used racial epithets on another woman in the train station after getting off the train. He faces charges of incitement to racial hatred.

 Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief amongst English language users. Twitter user PeterSweden tweeted his disbelief at the charges saying: “What’s the next step, being racist for walking your dog?”

One quick-witted Twitter user mused that, in a battle between religion and bacon, bacon will always win. Considering how many people start their day with bacon versus going to church, he may be on to something.

Source: truthandaction

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