Senator McCain: “New World Order Under Enormous Strain”

Poor John McCain. Things just have not worked out for him the way he had hoped. Of course his presidential campaign in 2008 was a flop. It was about as exciting as a bowl of cold oatmeal. Since then he has been able to remain in the Senate which is unfortunate since there are good conservatives in Arizona the Republicans should have chosen in the primaries to carry the party banner instead of McCain.

He has also been able to retain his coveted committee chairmanship which gives him an additional platform to get on television and stroke his ego. Yet he must also know that a sizeable part of the Republican Party cannot stand him, although it’s not clear that he cares.

He’s not seen the number of wars started that he would like, which must be a crushing disappointment. He has so little in common with President Trump that it’s a stretch to claim they are in the same political party. And the world order is not coming together in the way that he, and similar globalists, would like.

Joe Biden certainly comes to mind when thinking about globalists. Last year he spoke at length about his concerns that it is not developing as strongly and as rapidly as he would prefer. But there are vastly more globalists embedded in journalism, government, think tanks, education, financial institutions, and many other spheres of influence.

This is not so much a partisan issue, although fortunately there is a segment of the Republican Party that is virulently anti-globalist, anti-new world order. McCain, on the other hand, has more in common with Joe Biden than he does with that segment of America-first Republicans. Hence they despise him.

Senator McCain has recently been in Brussels where he has found a platform to air his globalist views.

The world “cries out for American and European leadership” through the EU and Nato, US senator John McCain said on Friday (24 March).

What he meant was that globalists in the US, EU, and NATO cry out for military and economic domination of the rest of the world, especially Russia. The Russians understand that even if Americans do not.

In a “new world order under enormous strain” and in “the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism … we can’t stand by and lament, we’ve got to be involved,” said McCain, a former Republican presidential candidate who is now chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate.

He’s repeating himself there. That just another way of telling Russia to beware, the Yanks are coming along with their witless EU vassals.

“I trust the EU,” he said, defending an opposite view from that of US president Donald Trump, who said in January that the UK “was so smart in getting out” of the EU and that Nato was “obsolete”.

He said that the EU was “one of the most important alliances” for the US and that the EU and Nato were “the best two sums in history”, which have maintained peace for the last 70 years.

Where to begin? If Mr. McCain trusts the EU, then America should not trust Mr. McCain. Regarding NATO, its purpose ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. Yet like any government program, it lives on with a ‘new’ purpose.

His claim that the EU and NATO have kept the peace for 70 years is just silly. This has been a period of continuous war. Thankfully, not wars where powers would be lobbing nuclear missiles at each other, but tragically there have instead been numerous hostilities in which millions have died. These wars have been almost continuous since the end of World War II, and Mr. McCain must have somehow missed them.

After all of that, he finally got around to his main point: he wants to go after Russia.

Noting that Russia was now trying to influence elections in France and in Germany, he said that if it succeeded it would be “a death warrant for democracy”.

“It’s an act of destruction that is certainly more lethal than dropping some bombs,” he insisted.

McCain, a Russia hawk, said that Putin wanted to restore the Russian empire: “He wants the Baltics, he has taken Crimea, he’s been in Ukraine.”

“These are KBG thugs, my friends,” he said, referring to the former Russian spy service for which Putin used to work. He added that the US needed to “respond accordingly”.

Be careful there, John, The U.S. has also been active in the Ukraine. Put Obama staffer Victoria Nuland under oath and see what she has to say. And most of what McCain said was just hyperbole uttered in an attempt to advance his cause.

Mr. Putin and his staff are clearly watching these developments and evaluating how prevalent Mr. McCain’s views really are. Is it possible that Western leaders are nutty enough to follow the lead of a war-monger like McCain? Will they fall for his version of globalism which includes using military assets to create a world hegemony lead by the U.S. with its European vassals in tow?

Let’s hope McCain’s latest efforts at advancing globalism end with same thud as did his campaign for president.


Source: truthandaction

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