Texas Sheriff IGNORES Trump Orders: BAD Move

It’s time to get rid of the riff-raff that still hangs around post-Obama.

Far too many people feel empowered by the lawlessness Obama allowed. Further, Obama fostered in the nuttiest ideas in the history of the United States.

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott was forced to step in when a sheriff refused to enforce President Trump’s executive orders.

Governor Abbott has made it clear that he won’t allow sanctuary cities in the state of Texas. So far, Abbott has blocked $1.5 million in grant money to Travis County, due to their sheriff.

Sheriff Sally Hernandez has declared that she would only cooperate with federal law enforcement for illegals who were caught committing the crimes of murder, human trafficking, and sexual assault. So if you are killed by an illegal driving drunk, tough luck. If you are robbed, even at gunpoint, those banditos will not be touched by Hernandez.

As Breitbart reported on Hernandez activities, as they relate to illegals caught by law enforcement:
Despite the loss of state law enforcement grants, Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez followed through and released 39 criminal aliens during the first two days of her sanctuary policy.

Records obtained by Breitbart Texas from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office revealed that “Sanctuary Sally” released 37 criminal aliens from custody on February 1. Two more criminal aliens were released on the following day. The sheriff’s office stated that Sheriff Hernandez declined 191 immigration detainers that were received by her office before February 1. Eight more immigration detainers received after February 1 were also declined. The sheriff also declined four requests from immigration officials to be notified of the pending release of the criminal aliens in her custody.

Sheriff Hernandez did not refuse all requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. Thirty immigration detainers that were received by her office before the February 1 change in policy were honored by the office. The sheriff accepted three immigration detainers that were received after her policy went into effect on February 1. She also accepted two requests for notification of pending release.

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