When you train your mind to look for the positive, a shift slowly evolves. You will be able to change the negative cycle that is going on around you. You will be less consumed by your child’s behavior.
Even though your child is struggling, look for the positive. Embrace those moments whenever you can.
No longer will you be allowing yourself to feel continually anxious, worried, resentful, angry, ashamed, and frustrated by your child’s use or your concerns about their future.
When you have moments of crisis in your life, acknowledge the sorrow and pain. Spend time working through the process and allow something new and beautiful to evolve.
Gratitude can turn anger into calm, despair into joy, doubt into hope, resentment into compassion, frustration into acceptance, shame into empowerment.
Your life can change for the better when you feel gratitude.
From those who have walked in your shoes or who have been supportive of my efforts to spread awareness regarding the dangers of substance use, here are 21 beautiful gratitude quotes to help you feel happier:

“After a trying year in which I’ve lost the ability to do some things that are most precious to me, things I’ve feared losing my whole life, I am grateful for being granted the tenacity to persevere and adapt. Without a family to love and give me strength, I would have folded.” ~ Mark Matthews
“I used to make myself miserable by noticing and focusing on the lack and problems in my life, which eventually led to depression and a suicide attempt. I have turned my life around by training my mind to notice and be grateful for the good that is always present, which over time physically changes your brain. Sure the bad stuff is still there, and I’m not saying to ignore it. I’m saying to give your energy and attention to what you want to create and build positive in your life.” ~ Debbie Hampton
“I am grateful for connecting with distinguished individuals on-line with whom I have cultivated professional friendships. Although we have never met in person and we serve diverse passions, we view our work through a common lens of inclusion, empathy, and positive regard for others. Their lives have enriched mine.” ~ Holli Kenley
“Addiction continues to hang like a dark cloud over our family, but I am bent, not broken, thanks to the love and support of so many. Together we are stronger. I’m grateful for that.” ~ Sandy Swenson
“I am grateful that I have been able to work through the pain of my divorce, get unstuck and start a new life again. I’m grateful for the journey I’ve taken, the struggles I went through and the person I’ve become because of the journey back from heartbreak. I’m grateful I can use my writing and my story to help others who are traveling a similar path in their lives. I can now be the lantern for others who are walking down the path of divorce and darkness with hope and healing.” ~ Vishnu of Vishnu’s Virtues
“I’m grateful for the restoration of my family… my everything. I am also grateful there is a power at work in the world that is greater than I am, one that can achieve what I cannot.” ~ Barbara Stoefen

“I am deeply grateful that my son is two years into his recovery, which means that all three of my children are now healthy. I get so overcome with gratitude sometimes that I break down and cry. Recovery is a beautiful gift that I want every family to experience. I continue on in my advocacy work in the hopes that they will.” ~ Rose Barbour
“After the sad death of two of my grandparents this fall within a few months of each other, I’m grateful simply for the time I (both as a child and an adult) was able to spend with them while they were alive, as they were kind and generous role models, even when something was outside their own experience. For example, despite both leaving school at 14, they encourage and facilitated all five of their children to go to university, which has given their grandchildren many more options than we might have had otherwise.” ~ Ellen Bard
“I’m grateful that Jeff is healthy, that our family is healing after heartbreaking trauma, and that God has gifted us with another day together. We’ve learned that in humility there is grace, in service there is blessing, and in gratitude there is peace.” ~ Libby Cataldi
“I’m grateful for so many things, especially my family, including my husband of 14 years and my two adorable, wild, clever little girls. I’m also thankful that I get to do work I love fiercely, and thankful I get to help others find work they feel the same about.” ~ Jessica Sweet
“I am grateful for my season of submission and patience in 2015. I learned that regardless of what is going on in my life there is power and love in God’s plans; putting all my faith and trust in His plan brings incredible peace and clarity to my life.” ~ David Cooke
“I am grateful for so many things, but number one on the list is my amazing wife. She is my rock, my soulmate, and my best friend. Without her, Lord only knows where I would be today. Family is so important. Even if I had nothing else, I would still have my wife, my two boys, my mom, and my siblings. Their love and support are really all I need. Along with my three cats and the words of Anne Lamott.” ~ Dean Dauphinais
“I’m grateful for each breath in my lungs and each sunrise in the horizon. For about five years of my life, I didn’t know if I’d live to see the sunlight, and I wanted my next bottle of Jack more than I wanted my next breath. I’m so grateful those days are both a distant memory and a priceless lesson.” ~ Scott Stevens
“I am grateful for my mistakes; those of the past and the present. Their remedies have made me a better person: more wise and a little stronger. I am grateful for the people I now choose to have around me; they make it possible for me to have the confidence to learn and grow into the woman I am meant to be.” ~ Kyczy Hawk
“I’m grateful to have the opportunity to stop teen substance use and abuse before it starts, and I am grateful for my wonderful teammates. We’ve created and launched a powerful website with resources and tools that put prevention in the hands of parents and educators in a simple, effective and sharable way. I’m grateful for our team’s collective wisdom and experience that helps us help other families, schools and communities.” ~ Susan King
“I am grateful to have joined tens of thousands of others from across the country at the history-making UNITE to Face Addiction Rally on The Mall in Washington, D.C. Our goal was to end the silence; to shatter the shame; and to show addiction RECOVERY is real.” ~ Lisa Fredericksen
“I am grateful for my hands that garden, that make meals, that write, that embrace lives.
I am grateful for my heart that graces me with gifts of compassion, faith and love.
I am grateful for creation that humbles me in its miraculous diversity and evolution.” ~ Mary Cook
“This year I’m grateful that I discovered the joy of taking naps, that my cat is healthy and currently curled up like a sweet cinnamon bun on the couch, and that my husband and I just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.” ~ Dawn Clancey

“I’m thankful for so much Cathy. I find myself feeling thankful for the simple things in life. I’m grateful for the blessings in each day. I’m grateful for who I am, and who I’m becoming, for kindness, for inner strength that I can tap into in times of trouble, for the opportunity to make a difference wherever I can, for mornings and nature, for community and family, for enthusiasm and creativity and most of all for love and for the joy of being alive.” ~ Elle Sommer
“I continue to counsel with and provide hope for inmates in the Boulder County Jail. I am especially grateful to be free from the previous jail where I was required to distribute satanic bibles to the inmates who requested one (yes, that is true).” ~ Joe Herzanek
“Working from my home office in Berthoud, CO, I’ve have been blessed to reach more families than ever before with our message of help and hope to families struggling with addiction (and I continue to meet the most wonderful people). Working alongside our canine companions “Lewis & Clark” ain’t bad either!” ~ Judy Herzanek
source: cathytaughinbaugh.com