When 38-year-old Ray Smith decided to propose to his girlfriend, Claire, he began to search for unusual ways to do it. He took 148 photos with his girlfriend with secret “Will you marry me“ signs in them, and Claire didn’t suspect anything.
We are strongly impressed by what this hopeless romantic guy did for his girlfriend. By the way, when Ray asked Claire the question directly, she said ”yes” immediately.
© Ray Smith
In June, the couple found out that Claire was expecting a baby. That was when Ray came up with this brilliant idea. “I told her I was taking the pictures to track the progress of the baby,” he admitted.
© Ray Smith
For 5 months he hid small pieces of paper with the words “Will you marry me” written on them when they took pictures together. Sometimes Claire wanted to see the pictures, so Ray had to take more than one shot: one with the card and one without.
© Ray Smith
Ray was sure that Claire would figure his plan out, but it didn’t happen. Then on Christmas Day, he decided to ask her the “magic words” directly.

© Ray Smith
On Christmas Day morning, Ray gathered all the pictures together and put them on a laptop. Then he got down on one knee, told her the whole story, and delivered the most important question.
© Ray Smith
Claire didn’t need to think about it and said yes then and there. She was extremely impressed by her fiance’s romantic gesture.
© Ray Smith
Source My Modern Met.com